Subcontractor Qualification is an integral part of our risk management program and a prerequisite for working with Adolfson & Peterson Construction. The goal of the process is to assemble qualified teams to deliver successful projects. To qualify to work with AP, please email us at to initiate this process. If approved, you will then be contacted to complete the free, on-line subcontractor questionnaire via our vendor Vertikal, that will help us better understand your operational capabilities, safety record, and liquidity. With the information provided, we establish an aggregate contractual threshold limit and update our estimating database for consideration on future projects.
Adolfson & Peterson Construction:
For questions please email AP at
Adolfson & Peterson Construction recognizes that cash flow is a key component for successful subcontractor performance and has implemented an internet-based payment system to enhance subcontractor payments. The system utilized is Textura and benefits to subcontractors include:
Automating and streamlining the payment and “lien waiver release” process through the use of electronic payments and simultaneous real time production of the matching electronic lien waivers.
For projects currently using the Textura payment system click here.
Not sure if your project is set up for our Textura payment system? Please email your questions to
Adolfson & Peterson Construction’s Code of Ethics can be accessed click here.
Adolfson & Peterson Construction’s sample subcontract can be accessed via the below link.
AP Subcontract Sample –