As a member of a design-build team, AP assisted the district in making a selection between two different land parcels. Because this project was design-build it allowed our team the necessary tools to design this project in ten months in order to break ground in October. The new high school campus supports 1,300 students. The facility places CTE pathways as a focus and includes health+justice, skilled trades+agriculture, engineering+technology, and hospitality+business. All of these clusters are organized along a central common/community space nicknamed “the Heart” allowing for students and teachers to collaborate, share, and connect. The district’s athletic commitment is showcased in a new arena-style gym programmed for 1,500 people.
Weld RE-5J School District
Johnstown, CO
230,000 sf
2024 ENR Mountain States - Award of Merit
2024 DBIA Rocky Mountain Region - Award of Distinction