The CoBank Center is a Class A, build-to-suit office complex, located in Greenwood Village, Colorado. This 296,000 sf, 11-story office building has an attached 6-level precast parking structure to accommodate 950 cars. AP worked with longtime design partners, Davis Partnership, to ensure the building represented an optimal blend of innovative design and long-term operational performance. The breathtaking interior was designed by RNL Design.
Shea Properties
Davis Partnership (Core/Shell) & RNL Design (TI)
Greenwood Village, CO
296,000 sf
Silver Merit Award, Best Building Project - AGC ACE Awards
Development Deal of the Year -NAIOP Colorado
LEED Silver Certified
With an aggressive 17-month schedule, two architects to coordinate with, more than 996 loads of precast concrete delivered – some weighing as much as 32 tons – and a sanitary sewer installation down the middle of South Fiddlers Green Parkway during concert season, the CoBank Center project was not without its challenges. AP overcame these challenges by focusing on collaboration and always keeping the end goal in mind – to deliver a world-class facility that exceeded the owner and end-user’s expectations.