The Mill Street Parking Structure is a 385 stall, 93,700 sf parking structure for the City of Wayzata. A cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete structure supports the second floor parking. A 15,000–sf earth drilled/dropped lagging wall with helical tie-backs (engineered for placement at steep angles to stay within the tight property limits) envelops the north half of the site. The wall is waterproofed and has a cast-in-place concrete face wall with reveals and staining to further add artistic flair. Another innovative aspect to this project is the stormwater retention system which includes large diameter piping located underground adjacent to the structure to control drainage. Many residents have complimented the City’s new parking ramp with its “handsome looks” that provide both functional and aesthetic value to the neighborhood.
City of Wayzata
HGA Architects & Engineers
Wayzata, MN
93,700 sf
2017 AIA Honor Award
2018 MCMCA Outstanding Usage of Poured In Place Concrete Awards
2018 MCA Awards of Excellence
2018 Parking Institute Merit Award of Excellence